Tales Tombstones Tell 2024 - David Martin

35th Annual Tales Tombstones Tell - Self Guided Tour

Welcome, history enthusiasts and curious minds! We're thrilled to invite you on a virtual journey through time with our self-guided tour of the 35th anniversary "Tales Tombstones Tell." This blog series will take you on a captivating exploration of local history, one gravestone at a time. Each post features the script and an accompanying video recording from a different stop on the cemetery walk, allowing you to experience the rich stories and forgotten tales etched in stone. Whether you're a longtime resident or a newcomer to our community, prepare to uncover the fascinating lives, triumphs, and tragedies of those who came before us. Let's embark on this historical adventure together, as we bring the past to life through the whispers of our Oakwood cemetery.

David R. Martin

Interpreter: Kevin Davis

Stop three, Grave 336

Good evening, my name is David Rhodes Martin. My family’s history is a long and winding road, full of twists and turns that have led us to West Chicago. It all began when my great, great, great grandparents left their home in search of a better life. Like many other immigrants, they sought financial stability and religious freedom.

My ancestors were part of a group of Christians that had broken off from the Catholic Church during the Reformation in the 1500s. They were often referred to as Anabaptists and they faced great persecution for their religious beliefs. The name Anabaptists means “to baptize again,” as they baptized members when they were in adulthood and strongly believed in the separation of church and state. 

My family was part of the Dutch movement that followed Menno Simons called Mennonites. Mennonites were peaceful people who opposed violence and refused to take oaths or participate in lawsuits. Their beliefs often put them at odds with the authorities, leading to property confiscation, imprisonment, and even death. Imagine being forced to choose between your faith and your safety, your home, and your family. That's the impossible decision my ancestors faced. With their marriages declared void, their children deemed illegitimate by the government, and their religious gatherings forbidden, they had no choice but to flee. Sadly, an impossible choice some people are still forced to make across the world. 

For my ancestors, the Americas offered hope of a new life. William Penn had founded Pennsylvania in 1681 as a safe haven for those seeking religious freedom. By 1717, Mennonites were flocking to this new settlement. Among them was my great, great, great grandfather who arrived in Philadelphia on the ship "Molly" with 70 other Mennonite families. They settled in Lancaster County, becoming part of a community mistakenly referred to as the Pennsylvania "Dutch." These German-speaking immigrants were actually "Deutsch," a word that was later Anglicized to "Dutch."

But the journey didn't end there. After the Revolutionary War, many Mennonites, including my family, left Pennsylvania. Their refusal to serve in the military during the war branded them as traitors, forcing them to seek refuge elsewhere. My family started over in New York, where they lived for 18 years before finally settling in Illinois in 1847.

When my grandparents arrived in this area they purchased a 122-acre farm at the southwest corner of what is now Route 38 and Fabyan Parkway. At one point, they were the only farm in the township producing clover seed. They also made beeswax and honey. After almost thirty years on the farm, our family moved into Turner proper. 

My father, Christian, was one of seven children, four of whom came west to live in Illinois. They attended the German Baptist Church, informally known as the Dunkards, a name that referred to their practice of immersing adults for baptism. This congregation, now called the Church of the Brethren, still exists in Naperville.

I was the oldest of his eight children. My sisters married into local families with familiar names like Glos, Fairbank, and Barkdoll. My wife, Lucinda Pratt and I were married on January 3, 1871 and we had five children of our own. I passed away at the age of 65 in 1909 and was laid to rest here in Oakwood Cemetery alongside three generations of Martins. My family's story is a testament to the enduring human spirit and the pursuit of religious freedom.

Tales Tombstones Tell 2024 - Harriette Hills

35th Annual Tales Tombstones Tell - Self Guided Tour

Welcome, history enthusiasts and curious minds! We're thrilled to invite you on a virtual journey through time with our self-guided tour of the 35th anniversary "Tales Tombstones Tell." This blog series will take you on a captivating exploration of local history, one gravestone at a time. Each post features the script and an accompanying video recording from a different stop on the cemetery walk, allowing you to experience the rich stories and forgotten tales etched in stone. Whether you're a longtime resident or a newcomer to our community, prepare to uncover the fascinating lives, triumphs, and tragedies of those who came before us. Let's embark on this historical adventure together, as we bring the past to life through the whispers of our Oakwood cemetery.

Harriette Elizabeth Hills

Interpretor: Carol Townsend
Stop 2, Grave 343

My name is Harriette Elizabeth Hills. I was born in 1871 and raised in a house that my father built right here in Turner, Illinois. My mother’s family had come to the United States long before this country was founded. My father Albert however came to New York from Bethersdent, Kent, England with his family as a young man in 1849, the very year this community was founded 175 years ago. My father and his family were part of a community of English settlers who spread from the Oneida and Herkimer Counties in New York west to DuPage and Kane Counties in Illinois. These families included Hills, Padgham, Evenden, Avard, Allison, and Booth, some of whom are also buried in this very cemetery.

I was unusual for a woman of my time, as I was a career woman who commuted to Chicago for work each day. Although I only attended two years of high school at Turner School, I worked successfully as a secretary for an architect group early in my career. In 1912 I was asked to take a short contract with the University Club of Chicago for six months. However, that six months turned into 34 years. I loved my job as I was surrounded by literature and arts, the core mission of the University Club, and I believe that helped to shape me into the woman I became, and was maybe the reason I worked there until I was 75 years old.

My sister, Helen, and I were active in our community of West Chicago. We were founding members of the West Chicago Woman's Club, and I eventually realized that our town was in need of a library. I began collecting books and storing them in orange crates in City Hall, the building that houses your City Museum today. After some time we collected nearly 6,000 books, and members of the Woman's Club diligently donated their time to help the public check out books and organize the library.

In 1934, the city began collecting a library maintenance tax and formed a library board. The Woman's Club voted to give our entire collection of books to the city, and the local paper praised me for my tireless work in starting and organizing the library. Here’s what the paper said:

"Too much credit cannot be given the Woman's club as a whole and very especially to Miss Harriette Hills for what they have given the city in this library. Miss Hills was tireless in the work of starting the project, carrying on the huge task of cataloging the books and installing a filing system."

I passed away at the age of 76 on January 21, 1948, and my obituary recalled my devotion to the library, suggesting that if the city ever got its own library building, it should be named after me. The newspaper even said so, in my obituary:

"If, and when this city realizes its dream of a library building of its own, it would be fitting that it be named the "Harriette E. Hills Memorial Library", for she was, in fact, its founder."

35th Annual Tales Tombstones Tell

35th Annual Tales Tombstones - Tell Self Guided Tour

Welcome, history enthusiasts and curious minds! We're thrilled to invite you on a virtual journey through time with our self-guided tour of the 35th anniversary "Tales Tombstones Tell." This blog series will take you on a captivating exploration of local history, one gravestone at a time. Each post features the script and an accompanying video recording from a different stop on the cemetery walk, allowing you to experience the rich stories and forgotten tales etched in stone. Whether you're a longtime resident or a newcomer to our community, prepare to uncover the fascinating lives, triumphs, and tragedies of those who came before us. Let's embark on this historical adventure together, as we bring the past to life through the whispers of our Oakwood cemetery.


Interpreter: Carol Visgnes
Stop 1

Good evening. Tonight, the City Museum is excited to present the 35th Annual Tales Tombstones Tell. In this anniversary year we continue the tradition of telling some of the stories of the people and events in West Chicago’s past.  The City Museum’s staff created this program in 1990 to bring the rich history of our community to life through the variety of life stories of the people buried here. Their stories are similar to the stories of many families across our country and world. 35 years of Tales Tombstones Tell could not have been possible without the help and support of the community.  They have truly allowed the museum to showcase our town’s history through this landmark of Oakwood Cemetery, and in the last few years Glen Oak and Cavalry Cemeteries as well. Since 1990, much has changed in West Chicago, including the beautiful new St. Mary’s Church just across the street from Oakwood, but much has also stayed the same and we are grateful to have these landmarks that help us talk about our community’s past. 

The stories you will hear tonight honor the lives of just a few residents who helped shape our community. West Chicago is currently commemorating its 175th year in existence. In 1849 three train lines crossed at the Junction that still exists today on West Washington Street near the library. A railroad town bloomed up from those tracks creating our town. The stories you hear tonight are part of the full expanse of the history of this community and the land we stand on, with a look to the very history we make each day we live our lives. 

This land also has an Indigenous history, one that the City Museum is working to better tell. What acknowledge that these lands were the ancestral homelands of the Kickapoo, Peoria, Kaskaskia, Potawatomi , Myaamia, Ho-Chunk / Winnebago, and Ogala Sioux peoples. The history of West Chicago’s founding in 1849 can only be told because those Native peoples were removed from this land to make way for the settlement of Turner Junction. Tonight, you will hear this community referred to as Junction, Turner and Turner Junction. West Chicago was originally known as Junction in 1849. In 1873 we were formally incorporated as Turner, but often called Turner Junction. In 1896 the town’s name was formally changed to West Chicago. This evening you will hear all those names used interchangeably. 

This ground that embodies so much of our town’s early history, Oakwood Cemetery, was founded in 1858, nine years after the railroad arrived and created our community. As West Chicago’s oldest cemetery, Oakwood represents the foundation of our community, with ties that spread to the other West Chicago cemeteries, and all over the world through ancestors and descendants. 

Today we greatly value the history here in Oakwood, but the cemetery has not always been well kept. There were times when cows would come in and graze amongst the headstones. Grave markers have been vandalized, stolen, worn and broken. At various times citizen groups struggled to find ways to maintain the cemetery, even as many people buried here no longer had descendants in the area to help. 

You can learn more about the history of Oakwood and those buried here at the City Museum.  The Museum’s collection holds many genealogical records and staff is happy to help with research requests. If you have a question that your guide is unable to answer, you can also contact the Museum for more information. Their phone number and email address are on the program that you will receive at the end of the tour.

We now invite you to walk the lighted path. At each station you will find your guide or two by a lantern. For your safety we ask two things: Please stay on the lighted path, and please do not play with the candles or climb on the tombstones. Enjoy the evening!

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