For our 35th Annual Tales Tombstones Tell the West Chicago City Museum is honoring the 175th Anniversary of the West Chicago community. Founded as Junction in 1849, then incorporated as the Town of Turner, unofficially known as Turner Junction, we became the Village of West Chicago in 1896.
Join the City Museum and our wonderful volunteer cemetery walk interpreters that will tell the story of those who lived through the historic early years of the community.
Tours leave from the Cemetery entrance at Garden Street starting at 6:30pm and every 10 minutes after, with the last group stepping off at 7:30pm. Those waiting to enter the cemetery will be entertained by the music of Roger Kotecki. The event is free and open to all, donations are appreciated.
Come join us for this impactful evening stroll, with lanterns and luminaries lighting the path through West Chicago’s oldest cemetery. For more information please call the Museum at (630) 231-3376 or email us at